Savoring the Lemons

I've been keeping up with a blog of a friend of a friend.  It's called "If Life Gives You Lemons, Just Add Vodka. My fight against breast cancer."  As of today she is on day 151 of her journey.  I've laughed and cried with her and I've been so very grateful for her example.

My friend told me about her blog, and said, "It's like she's holding my my hand through this path she is on."  I'm sending love to Nancie and her friends and family out there in Australia.

Australia, now that's a place I've always wanted to go.  I've had a fascination with the place since I was college student in Chicago, a time my kids think must have sucked because the iPhone wasn't invented yet.

I was visiting a friend that graduated already with a few friends of mine in Pensacola, Florida for spring break.  He told me about his short time in Sydney in 1995.

He went to a bar with his friends, and everyone was ready to let off some steam after being on a military ship for weeks.  He said there wasn't any music at all, and everyone was talking in hushed tones. My friend found a pretty lady to get some information.

"What's going on around here?  Isn't this where people go to have fun?" he asked.
"Something terrible happened today.  We're not celebrating tonight."
"What happened?"
"Two children were killed."
"Well, that happens every day in Chicago.  That doesn't stop us from living!"
And she looked at him with tears in her eyes and said, "Excuse me…children have died here for no reason today.  You will not be celebrating. Not tonight." And the stranger turned on her heel and left.

It changed him, and he fell in love with the place.  He wanted to go back there after he finished active duty.

Reading Nancie's blog about her journey has touched me deeply.  Her vulnerability has shown a courage and strength only love provides.  Reading about the support she has from her friends and family, nurses and doctors, validates the lesson that we are all in it together.  It's changing me for the better, and I feel like she's holding my hand through it too.  She brings me strength and resolve for life in a way I couldn't even try to explain.

Thank you Nancie, please keep writing.

When life gives you lemons, just add vodka.  I love it.


  1. Know that I'm holding your hand and that I will support and continue to encourage you. Though know this: we can have the most supportive people in our lives, but if we don't truly love and embrace ourselves, both the good and the bad, then we will forever be held down. You have so much love that you give to everyone in your life and sometimes if feels that you just give yourself whatever love is left over. Be selfish and start your days by doing your affirmations and filling your heart with love for you, so then you can lead by example rather than trying to exert this feeling; it's less exhausting too. Make your lists smaller, prioritize, and do those few things really well. This will focus you and make you feel more accomplished in your daily tasks. This is my advice, based on your past blogs. Thank you for loving me for me. I'll be your vodka anytime, as long as you continue to give me lemons.


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