Free write #2
Okay set the timer again for ten minutes in and I'm just going to let loose, and go. I know the last time I did this some heavy stuff came out. And I believe that is where I'm suppose to "go" when I'm letting it all loose. Maybe blog posts aren't suppose to be free write… open writes… open chakra. I experienced a closed throat after I did the last free write and I didn't post it. I felt off, like something was wrong, and I actually believe I stressed myself out by not posting it. Once I posted it, I felt so much better. I just want to feel free to say whatever I needed to say. And the biggest thing for me is feeling free to talk about my transformational journey I'm on. When we went to Hawaii back at the end of September beginning of October, we met this Kahuna name Alalani and she recognized what was happening to me before I did. She said, “You are experiencing a spiritual awakening and it makes you lonely at times.” ...